Jean-Luc Plouvier


Keyboardist and artistic coordinator

Jean-Luc Plouvier was born in 1963. After studying piano and chamber music, he concentrated on twentieth and twenty-first century music mostly, both on piano and synthesizer, with a few forays into the art of spoken word. For the past 25 years, he has worked with Ensemble Ictus, of which he is artistic coordinator. Jean-Luc Plouvier is a member of the Cinematek team in Brussels, where he has accompanied silent films since the age of 18. He writes incidental music for choreographers and directors such as Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, Nicole Mossoux, Iztok Kovač, Myriam Saduis and Johanne Saunier. Since 2024, he has been working on a biography of Fausto Romitelli, and as a teacher at the INSAS film school in Brussels.


Jean-Luc Plouvier werd geboren in 1963. Na zijn studies piano en kamermuziek aan het Conservatorium van Mons, legde hij zich voornamelijk toe op muziek van de 20ste en 21ste eeuw, zowel op piano als synthesizer, met enkele uitstapjes naar het spoken word. Hij werkt al 25 jaar met het Ensemble Ictus, waarvan hij een van de artistiek leiders is. Jean-Luc Plouvier is lid van het Cinematek team in Brussel, waar hij sinds zijn 18e stille films begeleidt. Hij schreef muziek voor scènische producties voor choreografen of regisseurs zoals Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, Nicole Mossoux, Iztok Kovač, Myriam Saduis en Johanne Saunier. Sinds 2024 werkt hij aan een biografie van Fausto Romitelli en als professor aan de INSAS filmschool in Brussel.

Jean-Luc Plouvier est né en 1963. Après des études de piano et musique de chambre au Conservatoire de Mons, il s'est presque essentiellement consacré à la musique des 20e et 21e siècles, au piano comme aux synthétiseurs, avec quelques incursions dans la poésie sonore. Il travaille depuis 25 ans avec l'Ensemble Ictus, dont il est le coordinateur artistique. Jean-Luc Plouvier fait partie de l'équipe de la Cinémathèque de Belgique à Bruxelles, où il accompagne la collection de films muets depuis l'âge de 18 ans. Il a écrit des musiques de scène pour les chorégraphes ou metteuses en scènes Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, Nicole Mossoux, Iztok Kovač, Myriam Saduis et Johanne Saunier. Depuis 2024, il travaille sur une biographie de Fausto Romitelli, et comme professeur à l'école supérieure de cinéma INSAS à Bruxelles.


Projects tagged with [Jean-Luc Plouvier]

Vortex Temporum (with Rosas)

Choreography: Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker | Music: Gérard Grisey

49 events, 8 articles & 1 audiofragment

George Antheil : Ballet mécanique zelfverklaarde Bad Boy of Music uit het begin van de XXstye eeuw brengt Ictus het futuristische Ballet Mécanique.

This Is Not A Pop Song (II)

Edition II : Fafchamps, Reiter, Aperghis, Bauer/Peck, Schubert, De La Fuente

2 events & 1 article

Liquid Room V (Subtilior)

A Liquid Room on 4 stages with guest performers of medieval music, and two premieres by Yeznikian and Guiraud

1 event, 3 articles & 1 audiofragment

Dada Solfège

A Dada / Futurist event in "Auditorium des Musées", Strasbourg

1 event

Michael Levinas : La Métamorphose (opera)

La Métamorphose, opera by Michaël Levinas, based on Franz Kafka, preceded by Je, Tu, Il, a prologue from Valère Novarina

4 articles & 1 audiofragment

Z1, from "Sufi Letters" (Jean-Luc Fafchamps)

Since 2000, Fafchamps is working on the development of a vast network of cycles – the Sufi Letters.

1 event, 1 article & 2 audiofragments

Mikrokosmos (with Rosas)

Choreography : Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker. Music : Béla Bartók, György Ligeti

4 events

An Index of Metals (Fausto Romitelli, Paolo Pachini)

Totally kult

6 events, 5 articles & 1 audiofragment

CERCLES (in San Fedele, Milano)

Music & Video in Centro Culturale San Fedele, Milano

1 event

MARTA (Mitterer | Steinbuch | Lagarde)

New opera by Wolfgang Mitterer. Original libretto by Gerhild Steinbuch. Staged by Ludovic Lagarde.

2 events & 2 articles


a cantata written by Oscar Bianchi for vocal ensemble, instrumental ensemble, 3 soloists and electronics

2 articles & 1 audiofragment

Wagner Dream

Opera by Jonathan Harvey and Jean-Claude Carrière, staged by Pierre Audi

3 articles & 1 audiofragment

Laborintus II (with Mike Patton)

Laborintus II with parts for narrator, 3 female voices, 8 actors, 17 musicians and tape | Recorded live at the Holland Festival, 2010

1 audiofragment


François Sarhan's pop evening

3 articles & 1 audiofragment

Avis de Tempête (Aperghis | Szendy, 2004)

Music and direction : Georges Aperghis. Libretto : Aperghis / Szendy after Melville & ...

1 article & 1 audiofragment

Kraft (2000)

Magnus Lindberg : KRAFT for orchestra and ensemble of soloists

1 audiofragment

Waits | Weill

T. Waits : songs from The Black Rider & Frank’s Wild Years | K. Weill : songs from Mahagonny, Dreigroschen Opera, Lady in the Dark

3 articles

With Toshio Hosokawa (2005)

A portrait

Marc Monnet (2005)

Bosse, crane rasé, nez crochu (for two pianos, ensemble, electronic sounds)

Blazek (2006)

Reich Evening (with Rosas, 2007)

1 article


Paul De Clerck plays Berio. Concert with commentary

Ma's Sequence 8

Riccardo Nova : piece for wind quintet and mridangam

2 articles

Labyrinth Ligeti

A complete Ligeti evening (Opéra de Lille and deSingel)

1 audiofragment


A music theatre performance on three platforms, by François Sarhan

1 article

Saint John ( Liquid Room 433, for John Cage)

4 hours and 33 seconds

2 articles

Liquid Room I

Contemporary music, but a way of listening to it as though at a rock festival or an electronic improvisation night, on 4 stages.

Liquid Room II

12 muzikanten spelen meer dan 15 composities op 5 verschillende podia in één ruimte en dat alles non-stop en op één avond.

Liquid Room III : Darmstadt 2012

A seamless evening on three stages, related to the past and present of the Internationale Ferienkurse für Neue Musik of Darmstadt

1 article

This is Not a Pop Song (I), 2012

Premiere van een performance project van Ictus rond een ‘band’-bezetting.

1 article

Professor (Maud Le Pladec)

Choreography and live music after "Professor Bad Trip" Cycle by Fausto Romitelli

1 audiofragment

Just Before (1997)

3rd performance with Rosas

A History of Synchronicity (Liquid Room IV)

Riley (a rainbow...) | Reich (Eighteen musicians)

Reich : Music for Eighteen Musicians (Bozar, Main Hall) | Riley : A rainbow in curved air (Bozat, Hall Horta) | With Synergy Vocals

1 event

Levinas | Messiaen : 2 KEYBOARDS

Festival in La Meije : new piece by M. Levinas for piano and electronic keyboards. Messiaen : Visions de l'Amen (two pianos).

1 event


Dance performance in museum

4 events & 1 article

Les Zébrides

Happy day in Opéra de Lille

1 event

Michael Gordon | Terry Riley

A minimalist evening in Handelsbeurs.

1 event & 1 article

Un Sacre du Printemps


8 events


2 pianos by Georges Aperghis

1 event

LEVINAS | LIGETI : 2 keyboards

Michaël Levinas & Jean-Luc Plouvier, pianos, e-keyboards

1 event

Concrete [Maud Le Pladec | Michael Gordon]

Music, dance, light

9 events & 1 audiofragment


Improvised music with Marc Ducret

3 events

Jürg Frey : Quartet #2

Concert with commentary

1 event & 1 article

Jardin Des Secrets (A Nocturnal Journey)

A musical journey at the Opera

1 event

Sound & Vision (Liquid Room VII)

Music and visual performances

4 events, 2 articles & 2 audiofragments

Laborintus | For Times To Come

Music for large ensemble

1 event & 1 audiofragment

Death of Light

“No crucifixion has ever seemed so devastating”, wrote the composer about Grünewald’s Isenheim Altarpiece, which is the inspiration be

1 event

Donaueschingen : 4 premieres

Martin Schüttler, Hanna Eimermacher, Francesca Verunelli, James Saunders

1 event & 1 audiofragment

Short Is The Night (Saint Johns' Eve)


1 event

Interstices [with Amir ElSaffar]

New work for trumpet, santur and ensemble

4 events & 1 audiofragment

Stockhausen ! (I)

Mikrophonie, Kontakte, Signale zur Invasion

2 events

Stockhausen ! (II)

Stockhausen and other cosmic pieces

2 events


A trio for glass bottles and tape by Hanna Eimermacher

1 event

Liquid Room VIII : PHRASES

Sound poetry, spoken word, modal music and a touch of animal virtuosity.

1 event & 1 audiofragment

A Rainbow in curved air

Festival Presences : Augmented Pianos

Two pianos and electronics

1 event

Einstein on the beach [concert version]

Philip Glass, concert version, with Suzanne Vega & Collegium Vocale Gent

25 events & 1 audiofragment

HAM SESSION (in Ghent)

Electric and vocal chamber music

1 event

The Cold Trip

Vocal chamber music

1 event

Trois Contes [Gérard Pesson]

A new opera by Gérard Pesson and David Lescot

1 event & 1 article

Liquid Room IX: "My Greatest Hits"

Musica Festival 2019 : opening concert on 4 stages

1 event & 1 article

Encyclopédie de la Parole : Suite 4

The theater of Speech, Volume IV

15 events

With Antoine Chessex (and Jérôme Noetinger)

Noise music for 5 musicians and Revox

1 event

the Lichtenberg Figures (sextet version)

Electric chamber music

8 events & 1 audiofragment

Pneuma (25th Anniversary Edition)

Breathcore, instrumental music, electronic music: a very special edition for Ictus' Birthday.

1 event & 1 article

BARTÓK: 4th Quartet


1 event

O Sentimental Machine

Chamber music and Kentridge's films

3 events, 1 article & 1 audiofragment

Retour Amont: Le Rêve [ECCE dance company]

Dance, speech, music

4 events

Proverbs [The Unanswered Question]

Ives, Reich, Bryars

4 events

Ictus invites #4: [ARK]

Vocal and speech-driven performances. Medley.

1 event & 1 article


A project by Kobe Van Cauwenberghe after Anthony Braxton's scores.

1 event & 1 audiofragment

The Lichtenberg Figures [Binaural version in Herrenhausen]

Binaural chamber music

1 event

International Young Composers Academy in Ticino, 2021

directed by Oscar Bianchi

1 event & 1 audiofragment

The Sonic Assistance Agency [concert for teens]

for kids only

4 events


Brussels Philharmonic, Ictus, Ilan Volkov

1 event & 1 article

La Flèche et l'Éléphant

Europalia 2022, voyage-concert

1 event

First Memory [Noé Soulier]

Soulier & Naegelen

1 event

Royaumont ‘Voix Nouvelles’ Academy 2022

Academy for composers, with Frédéric Durieux, Clemens Gadenstätter, Dmitri Kourliandski, Johanna Vargas, Marie Ythier

2 events

Proverbs [at Musica Festival]

Ives, Reich, Bryars

1 event

Child of Light

Vivier, Grisey, Medeksaite, Tjøgersen   |   with Brussels Philharmonic, Ilan Volkov, Lore Binon, Caspar Langhoff

2 events

Ghost Trance Sessions

A dance-music matrix inspired by Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker and Anthony Braxton’s scores

3 events

Forces in motion (with Brussels Philharmonic)

Brussels Philharmonic joins Ictus: the orchestra explodes!

2 events

Professor Bad Trip [revival]

Fausto Romitelli again and again

4 events & 1 article

Robert Ashley and The Theatre Of Voices (Liquid Room)

A Liquid Room with Contrechamps

2 events

Belgian Music Days

Jung, Emmery, Verlaak, Slinckx

1 event & 1 article

The Book of women [with Irini]

Work in progress

5 events

Robert Ashley and The Theatre Of Voices (concert)

Ashley, Cox, Anderson

1 event


A major reunion with the conductor who built the Ictus ensemble

1 event

Watch & listen to [Jean-Luc Plouvier]

Invisible Mother (with Aka Moon)

Ictus & Aka Moon perform Fabrizio Cassol. A Carbon 7 CD, 1999.

Fausto Romitelli : Professor Bad Trip

“Like a Sonic Youth version of Bach” — (De Standaard, Maarten Beirens)

Helmut Oehring | Iris Ter Schiphorst : Prae Senz

Oehring/Ter Schiphorst : Prae Senz, Ballet Blanc II

Georges Aperghis : Avis de Tempête [remastering]

Full version (2005) remastered in 2019

1 soundcloud track

Georges Aperghis : Die Hamletmaschine-Oratorio

A Cyprès CD, 2006. After Heiner Müller.

Terry Riley : In C

Ictus live in Chapelle des Brigittines, with Blindman Kwartet A Cyprès CD (CYP 5601)

Magnus Lindberg : Chamber Music

Magnus Lindberg : Clarinet Quintet (1992) | Related Rocks (1997) A Megadisc CD, 2000

1 soundcloud track

Benoît Mernier : Les Idées Heureuses

CD Cyprès, 2002, various performers.

1 soundcloud track

François Sarhan : L'Nfer, un petit détail

3 excerpts from "L'Nfer, un petit détail" (CD "Pop Up", MFA 2012)

1 video

Oscar Bianchi : Matra

Matra, a cantata written by Oscar Bianchi. Neuvocalsolisten, Ictus, Georges-Elie Octors. A Cyprès online release.

Michael Levinas: La Métamorphose

Michaël Levinas, after Franz Kafka. AEON 2012.

2 videos

Vortex Temporum

Choreography : Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker | Music : Vortex Temporum, Gérard Grisey (1996)

1 video

Romitelli : An Index of Metals (CD)

Fausto Romitelli / Paolo Pachini : An index of metals (2003) Cyprès CD, 2006

12 videos

LABORINTUS II (Ictus & Mike Patton)

Luciano Berio : Laborintus II | Ictus, Mike Patton, Georges-Elie Octors. Ipecac CD.

Related Rocks (Magnus Lindberg)

live ! (Avignon, summer 2000)

1 soundcloud track

Béla Bartók : Sonata for two pianos and two percussions (live!)

(Sz. 110), live in Kaaitheater, Ictus Ensemble, January 29th, 1994

1 soundcloud track

Brice Pauset : Perspectivæ Sintagma I

for piano and live electronics (1997) from the recording of the first performance. Ictus, Donaueschingen, 1997.

1 video

Fafchamps : Yz3z2z1s2, A Five-Letter Sufi Word

a SubRosa CD

1 soundcloud track

Michael Levinas : Les Désinences

for piano and electronic keyboards, 2014

1 soundcloud track

Eva Reiter : the Lichtenberg Figures (reloaded)

After Ben Lerner | Music by Eva Reiter

1 soundcloud track

Christophe Guiraud : Le déchirèrent, [...]

Liquid Room V, Subtilior, Kaaitheater, Brussels, March 23rd, 2014

1 soundcloud track

Fredy Vallejos : Cercles 2

Fredy Vallejos, from the multimedia performance CERCLES, San Fedele Center, Milano

1 soundcloud track

Für kommende Zeiten

Karlheinz Stockhausen : Für kommende Zeiten (For Times to Come), 1969. Duration: 10'

1 soundcloud track

George Antheil : Ballet Mécanique

1924. Edited version. MIDI files and recommendations by Paul Lehrman. Opéra de Lille, December 2012, Georges-Elie Octors (cond.)

1 video

Liquid Room VII: Sound & Vision (20' clip)

Liquid Room. Kaaitheater, April 2017. Duration: 20'

1 video

With Amir ElSaffar

Interstices, for ensemble, Royaumont 2017

2 soundcloud tracks

Liquid Room VIII: Phrases (teaser)

Humans, animals & cyborgs.

1 video

Grisey : VORTEX TEMPORUM I [studio version]

for piano and five instruments

1 video


in MoMA, NYC

1 video

Anthony Braxton

Ghost Trance Music by Anthony Braxton, with Kobe Van Cauwenberghe

1 video

Blogposts tagged with [Jean-Luc Plouvier]