Jean-Luc Fafchamps



>JL Fafchamps website

Jean-Luc Fafchamps (Brussels,1960) is pianist and composer. As founding member of the Ictus Ensemble, he took part in many concert performances in large ensembles or chamber groups and in mixed performances, particularly accompanying dance and theatre (Rosas/De Keersmaeker, Vandekeybus, Bonté-Mossoux).
His compositions, played by many famous ensembles and orchestras in most international festivals of music, in Europe, Asia or in America won him the Octave des Musiques Classiques 2006, the Octave de la musique contemporaine 2016 and the Magritte of the original score for the film Insyriated.
His work has been the subject of several monographic recordings for Sub Rosa, Cypres and Fuga Libera. As a pianist, he recorded music by Feldman, Berio, Liszt, Dallapiccolla, Bowles, Scelsi…
He teaches musical analysis at Arts2 (Mons) and film music analysis at IAD. He is membre of the Royal Academy of Belgium since 2019.

>JL Fafchamps website

Jean-Luc Fafchamps (Brussels, 1960) is actief als pianist en componist. Als uitvoerder en stichtend lid van Ictus creëerde hij talrijke werken, zowel voor het concertpodium als binnen het kader van de podiumkunsten, en in het bijzonder de dans (Rosas/De Keersmaeker, Vandekeybus, Bonté-Mossoux).
Zijn werken werden gespeeld door gerenommeerde ensembles en orkesten en stonden op het programma van de meest toonaangevende festivals in Europa, Azië, Noord- en Zuid-Amerika. Dit bracht hem de 'Octave des musiques classiques' op in 2006, de 'Octave de la Musique contemporaine' in 2016 en de Magritte du cinéma voor de originele muziek van de film Insyriated in dat zelfde jaa.
Zijn werken zijn te beluisteren op verschillende monografische cd's op de labels: Sub Rosa, Cypres en Fuga Libera. Als uitvoerder nam hij eveneens werk op van Feldman, Berio, Liszt, Dallapicolla, Bowles, Scelsi, etc.
Hij doceert muziekanalyse aan het Conservatorium van Mons (Arts2) en langspeelfilm muziekanalyse aan het IAD. Hij is lid van de Koninklijke Academie van België sinds 2019.

>JL Fafchamps website

Jean-Luc Fafchamps est pianiste et compositeur. Comme interprète membre fondateur de l’Ensemble Ictus, il a pris part à de nombreuses créations, tant dans le domaine des musiques de concert que dans les expériences mixtes, en particulier avec la danse (Rosas/De Keersmaeker, Vandekeybus, Bonté-Mossoux).
Ses œuvres ont été jouées par de nombreux ensembles et orchestres de renommée et programmées dans la plupart des festivals internationaux (Europe, Asie, Amériques du Nord et du Sud). Elles lui ont valu l’Octave des musiques classiques (2006), l’Octave de la musique contemporaine (2016) et le Magritte du cinéma pour la musique originale du film Insyriated.
Ses œuvres ont fait l’objet de plusieurs disques monographique sur les labels Sub Rosa, Cypres et Fuga Libera. Il a également gravé, au piano, des enregistrements de Feldman, Berio, Liszt, Dallapicolla, Bowles, Scelsi, etc.
Il enseigne l’analyse musicale au Conservatoire de Mons (Arts2) et l’analyse de musique de long métrage à l’IAD. Il est membre de l’Académie royale de Belgique depuis 2019.

Projects tagged with [Jean-Luc Fafchamps]

What the Body does not Remember

Wim Vandekeybus, Thierry De Mey, Peter Vermeersch | Ulitma Vez & Ictus | 1987/2013 : revival with live music

7 events & 1 audiofragment

George Antheil : Ballet mécanique zelfverklaarde Bad Boy of Music uit het begin van de XXstye eeuw brengt Ictus het futuristische Ballet Mécanique.

For Philip Guston

More than 4 hours with Morton Feldman : For Philip Guston, 1984

1 event & 1 article

This Is Not A Pop Song (II)

Edition II : Fafchamps, Reiter, Aperghis, Bauer/Peck, Schubert, De La Fuente

2 events & 1 article

Michael Levinas : La Métamorphose (opera)

La Métamorphose, opera by Michaël Levinas, based on Franz Kafka, preceded by Je, Tu, Il, a prologue from Valère Novarina

4 articles & 1 audiofragment

Territoires de l'Oubli

Concert with commentary in Lille Opera : Tristan Murail, Territoires de l'Oubli, 1977. Fabian Coomans, piano

1 event

Z1, from "Sufi Letters" (Jean-Luc Fafchamps)

Since 2000, Fafchamps is working on the development of a vast network of cycles – the Sufi Letters.

1 event, 1 article & 2 audiofragments

Mikrokosmos (with Rosas)

Choreography : Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker. Music : Béla Bartók, György Ligeti

4 events

Rain (Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker)

Choreography by Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, music by Steve Reich

15 events, 3 articles & 1 audiofragment

SOLDAT (Stravinsky | Aperghis)

Igor Stravinsky : L'Histoire du Soldat   |   Georges Aperghis : Le Soldat Inconnu

7 events


Vivier, Fafchamps, Mochizuki


a cantata written by Oscar Bianchi for vocal ensemble, instrumental ensemble, 3 soloists and electronics

2 articles & 1 audiofragment

Avis de Tempête (Aperghis | Szendy, 2004)

Music and direction : Georges Aperghis. Libretto : Aperghis / Szendy after Melville & ...

1 article & 1 audiofragment

Music for Eighteen Musicians

Music for Eighteen Musicians van Steve Reich : een monument uit de tweede helft van vorige eeuw.

2 events & 1 audiofragment

I Said I (with Rosas, 1999)

Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, Jolente De Keersmaeker, Peter Handke. Fabrizio Cassol, DJ Grazzhoppa, Ictus.

Candid Music (2005)


1 article

With Toshio Hosokawa (2005)

A portrait

Maximum Efficiency

A florilege of Tom Johnson's music

Reich Evening (with Rosas, 2007)

1 article

Labyrinth Ligeti

A complete Ligeti evening (Opéra de Lille and deSingel)

1 audiofragment

Saint John ( Liquid Room 433, for John Cage)

4 hours and 33 seconds

2 articles

3Abschied (De Keersmaeker & Jérôme Bel)

Gustav Mahler : Der Abschied (from "Das Lied von der Erde") - Transcription : Arnold Schoenberg

Liquid Room I

Contemporary music, but a way of listening to it as though at a rock festival or an electronic improvisation night, on 4 stages.

Just Before (1997)

3rd performance with Rosas

A History of Synchronicity (Liquid Room IV)

Quatuor pour la fin du temps

Olivier Messiaen, 1941, for clarinet, violin, cello and piano

2 events

Riley (a rainbow...) | Reich (Eighteen musicians)

Reich : Music for Eighteen Musicians (Bozar, Main Hall) | Riley : A rainbow in curved air (Bozat, Hall Horta) | With Synergy Vocals

1 event

Michael Gordon | Terry Riley

A minimalist evening in Handelsbeurs.

1 event & 1 article


2 pianos by Georges Aperghis

1 event

Piano & String Quartet (Fumiyo ikeda | Morton Feldman)

Dance & live music

1 event & 1 article

Factory !

Antheil in KORTRIJK

1 event

Aspern Suite (Salvatore Sciarrino)

For soprano and ensemble, after Lorenzo Da Ponte

1 event

Crumb : Songs of despair and hope

with Measha Brueggergosman, soprano

2 events


A Musical

5 events

Jardin Des Secrets (A Nocturnal Journey)

A musical journey at the Opera

1 event

WITHIN (Tarek Atoui)

Music for hearing-impaired and everybody

1 event

Short Is The Night (Saint Johns' Eve)


1 event

A Rainbow in curved air

Festival Presences : Augmented Pianos

Two pianos and electronics

1 event

Einstein on the beach [concert version]

Philip Glass, concert version, with Suzanne Vega & Collegium Vocale Gent

25 events & 1 audiofragment

Der verschwundene Hochzeiter [KLAUS LANG]

A new opera by Klaus Lang, a commission of the Bayreuther Festspiele

1 event, 1 article & 1 audiofragment

Triadic Memories

Piano solo

1 event

Nerone's LYra

Music theater

2 events

Wir irren

Chamber music & film

4 events & 1 audiofragment

Proverbs [The Unanswered Question]

Ives, Reich, Bryars

4 events


The Fluxus movement blasted open artistic boundaries and was one of the originators of happenings and performance art.

2 events

La Flèche et l'Éléphant

Europalia 2022, voyage-concert

1 event

Proverbs [at Musica Festival]

Ives, Reich, Bryars

1 event


Timeless soul music for the Winter solstice. Meskerem Mees, Lore Binon, JL Fafchamps

10 events

Watch & listen to [Jean-Luc Fafchamps]

Georges Aperghis : Avis de Tempête [remastering]

Full version (2005) remastered in 2019

1 soundcloud track

Magnus Lindberg : Chamber Music

Magnus Lindberg : Clarinet Quintet (1992) | Related Rocks (1997) A Megadisc CD, 2000

1 soundcloud track

Benoît Mernier : Les Idées Heureuses

CD Cyprès, 2002, various performers.

1 soundcloud track

Ictus live : Tom Johnson

Tom Johnson, 4 short pieces, live in Opéra de Lille, 2006

1 soundcloud track

Michael Levinas: La Métamorphose

Michaël Levinas, after Franz Kafka. AEON 2012.

2 videos

Jean-Luc Fafchamps : KDGhZ2SA, a Six-letter Sufi Word

This SubRosa CD consists of 4 pieces for instrumental ensemble, an orchestral prologue and a final movement for ensemble and orchestra.

1 soundcloud track

Related Rocks (Magnus Lindberg)

live ! (Avignon, summer 2000)

1 soundcloud track

Francesco Filidei : Ballata n.2

Live in Strasbourg, September22nd, 2012, Festival Musica

1 download
1 soundcloud track

Béla Bartók : Sonata for two pianos and two percussions (live!)

(Sz. 110), live in Kaaitheater, Ictus Ensemble, January 29th, 1994

1 soundcloud track

Fafchamps : Yz3z2z1s2, A Five-Letter Sufi Word

a SubRosa CD

1 soundcloud track

George Antheil : Ballet Mécanique

1924. Edited version. MIDI files and recommendations by Paul Lehrman. Opéra de Lille, December 2012, Georges-Elie Octors (cond.)

1 video


« The Lost Groom », an opera by Klaus Lang and Paul Esterhazy

1 video

Blogposts tagged with [Jean-Luc Fafchamps]