an archive of appropriations
TICKETS (Kortrijk Festival)
Anna Mendelssohn: narrator and projections
Eva Reiter: dramaturgy, viola da gamba, recorder and additional instruments
Tom Pauwels: electric guitar and additional instruments
Tom De Cock: percussion and additional instruments
Alex Fostier: sound and light
Karin Harrasser: dramaturgy and texts
Pieces by
Angelica Castello, Jorge Sanchez-Chiong
Robin Hoffmann, Marin Marais, Diégo Ortiz,
Eva Reiter and Fredy Vallejos
This event is part of the Sounds Now project, co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.
Co-commission and co-production partners:
Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival, Onassis Stegi, SPOR festival, Time of Music, Ultima Oslo Contemporary Music Festival, Wilde Weste vzw.
©Gorm Branderup | Skæg & Ballade for SPOR festival
©Gorm Branderup | Skæg & Ballade for SPOR festival
©Gorm Branderup | Skæg & Ballade for SPOR festival
©Gorm Branderup | Skæg & Ballade for SPOR festival
©Gorm Branderup | Skæg & Ballade for SPOR festival
©Gorm Branderup | Skæg & Ballade for SPOR festival
©Gorm Branderup | Skæg & Ballade for SPOR festival
©Gorm Branderup | Skæg & Ballade for SPOR festival
©Gorm Branderup | Skæg & Ballade for SPOR festival
©Gorm Branderup | Skæg & Ballade for SPOR festival
©Gorm Branderup | Skæg & Ballade for SPOR festival
©Gorm Branderup | Skæg & Ballade for SPOR festival
© Karin Harasser
© Karin Harasser
© Karin Harasser
© Karin Harasser
A conference-performance-concert devised by Eva Reiter and Karin Harrasser, professor of Cultural Studies at the University of Linz. In the 18th century, strange and magnificent hybrids of baroque and indigenous music began to emerge from the Jesuit missions of the Bolivian Chiquitania. Eupepsia puts this archive to work through a mixed instrumentarium that combines baroque and electric instruments.Intrusion, hybridisation, appropriation, assimilation: a reflection on the long-term effects of colonialism.
The programme develops the motif of eupepsia as a metaphor for and practice of transatlantic relations. Taking an archive of European baroque music in Chiquitos/Bolivia as our starting point, we will sound out modes of appropriation, silencing, projection that were (and remain) in play in encounters between indigenous and European cultural practices. Music was used by the Jesuit missionaries as a means to convert and “civilise”. This modern idea resonates in cultural education strategies until today. But though toxic and destructive, the European disruption of indigenous worlds produced new and fragile worlds, in turn articulated into music. Eupepsia therefore offers hybrids (between baroque and contemporary music, European and New World compositions, text-sound collages), not as solutions or remedies, but as sound-objects to ponder the longue durée of cultural violence.
Eva Reiter & Karin Harrasser
Eva Reiter & Karin Harrasser
Een lecture-performance-concert door Eva Reiter en Karin Harrasser, prof. culturele studies aan de universiteit van Linz.
In de 18e eeuw ontstonden tijdens de jezuïtenmissies naar het Boliviaanse Chiquitanía eigenaardige, maar prachtige hybridegenres uit de samensmelting van barokmuziek en inheemse cultuur. Eupepsia blaast dat repertoire nieuw leven in met een combinatie van barok- en elektronische instrumenten.
Intrusie, kruisbestuiving, toe-eigening, verwerking: een bespiegeling over de langetermijneffecten van cultureel geweld.
Conférence-performance-concert conçue par Eva Reiter et Karin Harrasser,
professeure en études culturelles à l'Université de Linz.
Au XVIIIème siècle, dans les missions jésuites de la Chiquitania bolivienne,
émergent d'étranges et magnifiques hybrides de musique baroque et de musique indigène.
Eupepsia remet cette archive au travail à partir d'un instrumentarium mixte combinant instruments baroques et instruments électriques.
Intrusion, hybridation, appropriation, digestion : une réflexion sur les effets longue durée de la violence culturelle.
Agenda for this project
- Date Show Location
Sat 25.01 Eupepsia, an archive of appropriations (Avant-Premiere) Konzerthaus - Wien - Austria
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Wed 17.02 Eupepsia [New museum version] CANCELED
— - Lausanne - Switzerland
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Sun 21.11 Eupepsia Dyspepsia HCMF - Huddersfield - United Kingdom
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Sun 05.12 Eupepsia Dyspepsia Onassis Center - Athens - Greece
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Sat 12.03 Eupepsia Dyspepsia Wilde Westen - Kortrijk - Belgium
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Wed 06.07 Eupepsia Dyspepsia Time of Music - Viitasaari - Finland