Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker | Gérard Grisey : Vortex Temporum
According to the Belgian/French writer Henri Michaux, music is
“an art that constantly let you move and makes you sensitive to places and to changes of places.”
The 19th century, which we thought would go on for ever, as if stuck to our fingers,
is fading into the distance and the stubborn concert tradition slowly disappears.
New rituals, different collaborations, other spaces create musical moments:
very short or extra long concerts, with or without seats, most often amplified, shows or mini-festivals etc.
All of our productions for this season are described on this website in three languages:
follow the links below! Don’t hesitate to write to us if you have any questions,
or simply to converse in Dutch with Tom Pauwels or
in French with Jean-Luc Plouvier.
See you soon! | A bientôt! | Tot snel!
With Rosas, Ictus continues touring Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker and Gérard Grisey’s VORTEX TEMPORUM,
which Le Monde referred to as a “a magical conspiracy of music and dance".
Also still on tour, Wim Vandekeybus, Thierry De Mey and Peter Vermeersch’s
— a violent but also rather funny journey back to 1987
which explores the scenic resources of physical reflexes.
At the San Fedele Centre in Milano, three works combine video and music as part of the
Milano Musica festival, EX NIHILO NIHIL FIT.
Acoustic instruments, electronic sounds and images intertwine to track down
the moment of creative emergence materialising into chaos.
Composers: Januibe Tejera, Fredy Vallejos, Alessandro Ratoci.
In addition to Steve Reich’s irresistible and stroboscopic Music for 18 Musicians
there is the revival of De Keersmaeker’s RAIN
with the Paris Opera’s too-good-for-us ballet.
In Lille with Daniel Linehan: A RITE OF SPRING
with the music of the Sacre played on two pianos, in Stravinsky’s original arrangement.
Linehan places the audience close to the dancers, leaves out the sacrificial ritual
and retains the joy of collective energy: oof, a profane Rite of Spring!
At WIELS, the leading institute for contemporary art in Brussels,
an experiment by Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker and Elena Filipovic:
Vortex Temporum, as mentioned above, is fully deconstructed and reworked for a white box,
in the space and time made available by Wiels: WORK/TRAVAIL/ARBEID.
Tom Pauwels continues in the same vein with his participatory shows ‘for all the family’,
starting out from the idea of the body as an instrument: BALLET MEKANIQUE, with a K,
begins its tour of five major cities.
Starting out at the Lille Opera, then as part of the Bozar weekend
with the theme 'Apocalypse', we will be performing the
QUARTET FOR THE END OF TIME by Olivier Messiaen with a high-calibre team:
Dieltjens, Fafchamps, Van Dam and De Bièvre.
A European tour with one of the biggest hits from the 20th century,
a cold and sad beauty, sarcastic and incredibly free: THE SOLDIER’S TALE
by Stravinsky and Ramuz will be preceded by a new work by GEORGES APERGHIS.
As already mentioned above: the RITE OF SPRING in a version for two pianos
(as played earlier by the composer and Maurice Ravel).
Choreography by Daniel Linehan for fifteen dancers.
The king of multi-controllers will join our drummer Gerrit Nulens
for the Bozar Electronic Arts Festival: CEDRIC DAMBRAIN
A 60-minute electric poem, torn between heroism and exhaustion:
AN INDEX OF METALS by Fausto Romitelli will open the
Milano Musica festival in October.
As already mentioned above: three creations for video, instruments and electronics
at the San Fedele Centre in Milan: EX NIHILO NIHIL FIT.
Something hieratic and declaimed, saved from pomp by torrential energy:
this is WOLFGANG RIHM’s strange New Simplicity,
we will be once again be treated to his 1977 string trio in Lille and Ghent.
A new LIQUID ROOM in Berlin (Haus der Berliner Festspiele) !
Music from four stages : electronic / acoustic / performance.
Featuring: Eva Reiter, Cédric Dambrain and the Berlin Ensemble Mosaik.
The sublime NAOMI SATO on the shô (Japanese mouth organ),
accompanied by harp, oboe and percussion
— a highly ‘tactile’ concert at the Lille Opera.
Open Day at the same Opera, with a concert in the evening: The ZEBRIDES.
Instruments that have been invented, adapted, converted and tinkered with.
A violinist and experimental pop singer, with Tom Pauwels she perform the beautiful repertoire
of perverted country music: LIESA VAN DER AA.
A new work by Aperghis (still green and feverish) inspired by Kafka,
precedes The Soldier’s Tale, as mentioned earlier.
Lionel Peintre is having a hard time of it.
Mauro Lanza takes on Luigi Russolo’s intonarumori,
while we test Michael Gordon’s astonishing 60-minute score for six amplified planks of wood,
Timber: a large ‘open space’ concert hosted by our friends at the KAAITHEATER.
Timber is preceded by the very hippy A Rainbow in Curved Air by Terry Riley,
with electric organ loops,
Octors on percussion
and Descheemaeker on soprano saxophone:
it will be performed in HANDELSBEURS.
A Rainbow in Curved Air is itself preceded by Music for 18 Musicians by Steve Reich,
this time as a concert: it will be performed in the BOZAR,
as part of the Ars Musica festival.
Tom Pauwels and Jean-Luc Plouvier